Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The DFD that will never be (4.3)

Oh, Robin Hood, what gives?

Seriously, for two or three rounds of Disney Family Days now, it's been on the schedule. I have nothing against the movie, but something always came up pushing it farther and farther forward on the calendar until it was too late.

This time, I was determined it was going to happen. I also read back through the old parties with the girls, and was determined to put more into this one as I had in the past. For the first time in quite a while, I did just that. There was the usual dinner and a movie, plus bow and arrow cookies --

homemade Maid Marian wreathes --

and plans for an archery contest, after working out the best configuration of a coat hanger bow :)

And then the girls were, well, their current usual selves. Threat after threat did nothing, the afternoon was horrendous, and the party was canceled.

I assure you, for whatever reason, this is one that's never gonna happen. :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Disney Family Days 4.1 & 4.2

Wow! As I get around to writing this, it's been 2 years since we began doing these "parties", or "Disney Family Days". I have admittedly gotten lazy - both in frequency and in scope - but the girls still enjoy them... and I still have plenty of movies with which to redeem myself!
That hasn't started yet. :)

With our next trip (Carson's first!) now 46 days away, we've done two DFDs already this time around. The first, long overdue if you ask Hartley, was Sleeping Beauty.

And the second was for the Jungle Book. Emmersyn and Hartley are having fun helping pick out decorations and set up, which is good... considering that's literally all she wrote on these parties lately. Maybe next time there'll be more to share. But nobody should hold their breath.