On our way to Epcot, I grabbed a Blueberry Mickey Muffin at the Bakery and Zach grabbed a mug o' coffee at Boardwalk Joe's. We took our time and still strolled in just a few minutes after 9. As we headed toward Future World, we could see that the race was still in full swing. The later start time had a lot to do with it, I'm sure, but it actually worked out well. I don't know if people were avoiding Epcot because of the event or what, but the park was empty! We weren't sure how long it would last, but we were going to take advantage of it while we could.
Our first stop was the Land Pavilion. I had been dreaming of riding Soarin' again, and was so desperate to do so that I could practically smell the Orange Groves when I listened to the soundtrack at home.

Every time I ride it, that ride is every bit as good as the first time. It was made more sweet by sitting between two first time riders, too!

While Zach was riding, the girls decided to wake up. They played with their Mickey and Pluto plushes while we waited, and as soon as he returned we strapped the girls in their carriers, left the stroller behind, and headed for the Seas! Maybe Hartley and Emmersyn would get to enjoy something, too!

We walked immediately onto The Seas w/Nemo and Friends, which the girls found moderately interesting. I'm sure it pales in comparison to some dark rides, when you are too distracted by things like jacket zippers to notice fish in distant aquariums

Turtle Talk was just about to begin when we exited the ride, so we walked in to see if the girls would make it through the show. They did well, and Hartley was actually captivated by Crush! Emmersyn couldn't have cared less, and wanted to get out and go somewhere else, but she stayed very quiet. Thank you, Cheerios.

Next stop was the Imagination Pavilion, to introduce the girls to our friend Figment. They enjoyed the ride, but were - as you might expect - scared silly with the Blast(!)

We stopped in the Kodak Labs to send a quick hello to the grandparents, and were disappointed to find most of the options for silly postcards had been removed! Oh, well. 3920483 takes later, and we were all at least looking at the camera. It would have to do!
So here we were, before lunch, and we'd already ridden three rides AND posed for a postcard. What was happening?!

We would have loved to hit Sunshine Seasons for lunch at this time, but it would have obviously been impossible while the girls were asleep, since there are no strollers allowed downstairs. Electric Umbrella it is! Oh, well, I thought. I secretly love WDW Chicken Finger meals, and haven't had one in several trips! Except that the Electric Umbrella is apparently closed. Seriously, where did the Planner in me go?!
At some point during the trip thus far, we had decided we would just do our best to hang out wherever we were if the girls fell asleep somewhere on the go. This day, it meant wandering around Mouse Gear until they woke up. This girl had no complaints about that!

We grabbed lunch at the Lotus Blossom Cafe on the way back to the hotel, eating quickly so we could get back and swim when the girls were awake. Someone remind me what they might have served for dessert in a previous trip... the smoothies on the menu aren't an option (which I don't recall having anyway) and your choices are two different ice creams. We each got a different flavor, and the Caramel Ginger ice cream tasted EXACTLY like a spa treatment. I live for said Treatments, and the aroma that fills the entire room at a local day spa I (sort of) frequent (though not nearly as often as I would like) is somehow instantly relaxing to me. Via my nostrils, not my taste buds. It was the strangest thing to taste, and I just couldn't do it.... Zach's Red Bean stuff wasn't much better. Oh, well, chalk it up to a new experience!

Since the girls had caught a pretty decent (read: 40 minute) nap in the stroller, we thought it would be the perfect time to go for a swim!
We quickly found out they were just a few inches too small to sit in the baby pool on their own, so most of our time was spent motoring them around the Luna Park pool. They loved every minute of it, even the (multiple) times we took them underwater. What can I say, Zach used to teach lessons and I have swam since I was younger than they are... they had no choice! Swim lessons here we come! 

We stayed in the pool for about an hour, then headed to the room for baths/showers and naps. As I sat in the room listening to the whimsical sounds of the Boardwalk (even that blasted, obnoxious seagull!), the Resort TV music playing softly in the room, and the girls snoring away (remnants of pneumonia and all

Before long, it was ready to head to dinner with Pooh and friends at the Crystal Palace! When we got there, there were dozens of people filling the porch, the walkways all around the restaurant, etc. Seriously, where did everyone come from? Still, the girls enjoyed playing (out of the stroller) while we waited, and we were seated in about 15 minutes.
It also gave me opportunity to get pictures of their adorable outfits 

It was during this dinner that we learned Emmersyn and Hartley really DO like the characters, so long as they haven't been up since 4:30am traveling. They loved every bit of interaction with Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore. They loved feeling them (I'm sure the fact that they are like giant plush helps!). They watched as each one approached the table (including staring as they visited tables before us),
interacted with them the entire time they were with us,
and watched as they walked away and until they were out of sight.
After dinner (which wasn't bad either
), I took Hartley to the Baby Care Center to get changed and wait for Zach and Emmersyn. We made lots of wonderful CM friends, and soon the 4 of us were heading down Main Street to grab a spot for Spectromagic afterall.

For whatever reason, things had worked out today and - even though the crowd situation wasn't ideal - we'd get to see Spectro & Wishes after all! I literally had tears in my eyes as it started, I was so excited.
Emmersyn tried her darndest to stay awake for the parade,
and Hartley woke up for a minute here and there.
They seemed to be as enamored of it as I am, from what I could tell.
We got one of my favorite spots for Wishes, too. What a beautiful night! 

It was utter chaos trying to leave, as we expected, but the girls slept and we were actually transferring them to the car by 9:45pm. We were all exhausted when we got back to the room, but couldn't have asked for a better day. Finally

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