Ok, so no more late nights. The girls had horrendous nights, taking turns with meltdowns that would last for hours. What seemed to have gone well obviously had a larger impact that we could see, so out the window went plans for Fantasmic and Illuminations
(We had discussed each going to one alone, but would later decide that it wasn't worth the hassle). Oh, well! It's a new day now, so we were off...
We were actually heading through Epcot to the Magic Kingdom (so not an efficient way to travel, as I learned on my solo trip, but nice when you have twin girls who freak out getting in and out of a stroller
), but got distracted. I ducked into Club Cool for my almost-daily dose of Kinley
and we noticed it was perfect timing to hit the Character Connection. Were there not multiple characters there in previous years? It was always Mickey & Friends now, apparently. This was fine, but not what I was expecting. Anyway, we waited about 10 minutes (love the queue area with classic cartoons!) and had a great time with all of the characters. The photopass folks and handlers were great, too, taking tons of wonderful pictures as the characters interacted with my girls, with both their cameras and mine! That is, of course, until my camera batteries died. Oh, well.... we'll just have to buy photopass ones. Aaaand this would be the bad timing would kick in. The last two photographers would take 1 or 2 poorly-composed, "posed" shots. No fun.
Still, there were some cute moments overall.
Finally, we were on our way to the Magic Kingdom via the monorail. We had brought along two little Tinkers, so we headed straight for Pixie Hollow to see if it was doable after arriving so late.
We were actually heading through Epcot to the Magic Kingdom (so not an efficient way to travel, as I learned on my solo trip, but nice when you have twin girls who freak out getting in and out of a stroller

We grabbed a FP for Buzz on the way (which we'd waste, but not really miss) and got there as the wait times were listed at 15 minutes (Princesses) and 45 minutes (Fairies). I tell you what, I'm thinking the princesses are glad to have some people with which to share the load, no?
We decided the girls wouldn't care either way (and we have the next size Tinkerbell costumes too

but were mostly just in awe of their dresses 

We were right, it didn't take 45 minutes. It took about 65. With hungry girls, who we thought would be out long before lunchtime

Still, it made for some cute photo ops, and Tinkerbell was FABULOUS. Just PERFECT. She talked with Emmersyn and Hartley about their training, and playtime and snacks and all the fun things they would learn from her. "How many seasons are you?" (8 months) "Ooh, you're brand new Tinkers! We're going to have a long time to spend together!"

We made a pit stop at Pete's Garage (bad pun intended), then sat on Minnie's Porch
and fed the girls. We made a quick run into her house, but it was SO crowded that we headed back out as quickly as we had entered!

As we went through Fantasyland in search of lunch, we stopped to grab a FP for Pooh. What do you know?!
I was so exicted, I practically ran to catch up with Zach and show him. It's the little things..... 

From here, we headed to Fronteirland for Peco's Bills. Zach loves their burgers (and the fixin's bar), but we don't eat there often because I don't really like anything on the menu all that well. Still, I'm glad we went. The self-serve ordering stations made my day!

After lunch we watched Philharmagic (do you think the girls noticed that everything was blurry?

What a morning! We had accomplished so much already, at least at the pace the trip had been going!

Still, the end result is ALWAYS worth the wait, and I enjoyed it very much as we rode the monorail back to Epcot.
When we got there, the girls were sleeping so Zach and I wandered through Innoventions for a little while. There is a lot there that is new since the last time we went! We took our time walking back to the resort, even waiting on the Friendship Boat (just for the heck of it). It had been a long, hot morning and we needed to relax in the room for a while!
In the late afternoon, we headed back into Epcot for dinner. The girls were in pleasant moods, it was a bit breezier (so not as hot as the morning, thankfully, although the weather was SO beautiful the entire trip that I can hardly complain!), and we were starving! Too bad we were going to San Angel Inn 

We are determined to eat at every restaurant on property at some point, so we usually don't repeat TS restaurants that frequently. This might change, because we're running out of really good ones! I didn't notice until the end of the trip that (aside from The Wave, which is obviously new) there is a reason we hadn't eaten at a few of the "new" restaurants on our list!

I ADORE the Mexico Pavilion. It brings back such special memories for me, and is one of my favorite places in the World. Apparently, however, not as a place to eat. The restaurant was packed in so tight that we could hardly hear our own conversations over those coming from surrounding tables. The food was probably not even good enough to be labeled "mediocre", but it's cool. We've been there, and we don't have to go back

After dinner we rode the 3 Caballeros Gran Fiesta Tour, which the girls loved. Emmersyn especially was hysterical to watch. She stood straight up on Zach's lap, and turned her head side to side (and practically in a circle at times) to see what was going on around her. So sweet!
We rode again so I could get some pictures of Hartley watching as well, because she enjoyed it just the same. Unfortunately, she was content to stare out her side, so most of the pictures are of the back of her head :-P
A note on the ride -- I had ridden it dozens of times as El Rio Del Tiempo, and shared some of the same concerns as others might have when they refurbed it and added characters. Then, when I rode, I was pleasantly surprised that the feel of the ride (and subsequently the capturing of Mexican culture) was still fantastic. No disappointment from me, which I posted on various threads here. Oh my gosh though, after purchasing and watching (more than once) the film, along with Saludos Amigos, the Imagineers couldn't have been more right in the changes they made. It is BEYOND relevant, and I challenge anyone who thinks otherwise to PM me to discuss... but only if you've seen the films.
Now, where was I?

The girls were in such fabulous moods after dinner that we took our time strolling through the World Showcase and along the Boardwalk. We even played for several minutes in the Baby Care Center (shocking, I know), with a new friend Cindy. She was such a sweetheart, and the girls loved her!

On the way out, as Hartley was catching a catnap in the stroller, Pluto made a surprise visit! Any bets on at what age she will look at pictures and say it's "not fair!" that Emmersyn got the bonus?

It was absolutely the most gorgeous night thus far, and the Boardwalk was The Place to Be. We watched a few buskers before heading upstairs, and the girls remained so content. They played a while in the room before going to sleep at about 8:30. What a great day!

It was at this point in the trip that I realized our list of "If we get to its" had grown entirely too long for the number of days that were remaining. I desperately wanted to get back to the Animal Kingdom (namely for a few things like the Affection Section and Festival of the Lion King, as well as others), but the other parks still had so much more to offer for the girls, that we made a decision not to try and squeeze anything else in. What a bummer!

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